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The Tools We Use
For your church to accomplish the goal of building a debt free congregation it requires a system that is not dependent upon some type of theory or hypothesis. It takes math, real math. The foundation of the Financial Framework Seminar Series is the Equity Creator® Financial Blueprint, a proprietary program that calculates the most efficient way for each family to eliminate all their debts one at a time! Your congregation is guided through this process. They are not required to figure out what to do on their own. Debt is very similar to falling into quicksand as getting out of debt is almost impossible if you try to do on your own. With the typical get out of debt seminars marketed today, your congregation will be excited for a few days, a few weeks, and maybe even a few months, but eventually they fall back to their old habits, headed in the wrong direction because those other seminars don’t provide the tools and the customized plan necessary to succeed.
Ecclesiastes 7:19 Wisdom makes one wise man more powerful than ten rulers in a city.
As you are about to find out, the FFSS is the most comprehensive system ever developed. Not only do we teach families how to control their finances and plan for their financial futures, we also provide the tools and products that they need to achieve their financial goals. In a nutshell, The entire FFSS has many components: the Seminar Series, The Equity Creator® Financial Blueprint, The Equity Creator® Budgeting System (and other web based resources), the Equity Creator® Bill Manager and the Equity Creator® Coaches.
Equity Creator® Financial Blueprint
The Equity Creator® Financial Blueprint is a customized financial plan that shows how to take the same amount of money a family is spending right now on their debts and reposition it in a manner that will allow them to be totally debt free in one-third to one-half the time that they were originally obligated. The Blueprint actually gives families a customized debt pay down schedule which tells them exactly how much to send their creditors each month until they are debt free plus we show them the exact date that they will be totally out of debt, including their mortgage.
Equity Creator® Budgeting System
The Budgeting system takes the Blueprint to the next level, allowing a family to make adjustments to their current situation for a new pay down schedule as well as running “what if” scenarios to see how paying off or adding a debt would effect their payments. There is nothing like it in the world. But that is only part of the Budgeting system. It is also an easy to use, step-by-step budgeting system to enable them to take control of their finances. Our budgeting system is singularly unique in the budgeting world.
The Bill Manager service ensures that payments reach creditors on time, in the right amount each month. When enrolled in this program, we send paper drafts from their fixed-bills checking account (which they learn about in the seminar) to their creditors on a monthly basis using the pay down schedule from their Blueprint. They receive a monthly statement listing payments and balances. Plus they have the flexibility to adjust or suspend any payment as necessary at any time prior to the mailing date. This service comes with the “NO Excuses” Guarantee to keep them on track to becoming debt free.
Upon request, Equity Creator® Coaches are available to assist class participants with every aspect of the FFSS as well as helping families carry out the plans laid out in their Blueprint. Coaches are fully trained, certified and willing to assist families in their quest to be debt free and build a strong and secure Financial House. The Coaches’ service is included in the FFSS and the participants are NEVER charged a fee.
Proverbs 24:5-6 5 A wise man has great power, and a man of knowledge increases strength; 6 for waging war you need guidance, and for victory many advisers.